URL: Add Your Firm
The Add New Workspace section allows users to set up a new firm in FigsFlow and based on the information provided in the firm onboarding questionnaire, the system pre-configures the firm’s services, proposals, engagement letters, and email templates. This setup streamlines the process so that users can immediately begin generating proposals and engagement letters with minimal additional configuration.

- Navigate to Add Your Firm page
- Enter all the required (*) values
- Click the “Add Firm” button.
Instructions for Add New Workspace
- Firm Basic Details Entry
- After signing up and logging in, you will be directed to the Add Firm page.
- Enter the firm name, email (you may use the signup email or provide a different one), contact number, address, and upload the firm logo.
- Click Save to add the firm. The newly added firm will now be listed on the Choose Your Firm page.
- You can now move forward with onboarding.
- Firm Selection
- Navigate to the Choose Your Firm page.
- Select the newly added firm to begin the onboarding questionnaire.
- Questionnaire
- Answer each question in the firm onboarding questionnaire to configure your firm’s settings:
- Select the types of services your firm offers.
- Specify the regulatory body your firm belongs to.
- Provide details about the firm size and number of clients.
- Specify industry focus and annual revenue range.
- Define the charge-out rate for different positions within your firm.
- Enter the default VAT percentage for your services.
- Choose whether to display the discount field in proposal generation.
- Set the default email for sending proposals and onboarding emails.
- Specify signature deadlines and reminders for your proposals.
- Choose your brand colour and preferred font family for documents.
- Provide an alias prefix to be used for unique proposal IDs.
- Answer each question in the firm onboarding questionnaire to configure your firm’s settings:
- Pre-setup of Services and Templates
- Based on the details entered in the questionnaire, FigsFlow will pre-configure the firm’s basic services and preload proposals, engagement letters, and email templates.
- Once the questionnaire is completed, you can immediately begin generating proposals and engagement letters without further setup.
- Final Steps
- After completing the questionnaire, you will be directed to the Dashboard page.