URL: User Profile Menu

The User Profile Menu in Figsflow provides users with essential options to manage their profile settings and account-related actions. This menu displays the user’s name, email address, and current workspace or firm name. Additionally, it offers various functionalities such as inviting team members, editing profile details, changing passwords, switching firms, and signing out of the software.
Invite Your Team
Selecting this option directs the user to the User Setting Module, where they can invite team members to join their workspace or firm.
Edit Profile
This functionality allows users to edit their profile details. Users can update their name, address, and contact number through this option.
Change Password
This feature enables users to reset their password. Users need to enter their old password and a new password and confirm the new password to complete the process.
Switch Firm
The Switch Firm option allows users to switch between multiple workspaces. Clicking this option directs the user to the Select Workspace page.
Sign Out
Selecting the Sign Out option logs the user out of the software and directs them to the Sign In page.