URL: General Settings

The General Settings module in Figsflow is a critical component for configuring various reusable settings that enhance the functionality and efficiency of the software. These settings are used across different sections, ensuring consistency and ease of use. The module includes the following sections:
1. Global Price Variables: In this section, you add variations used in the Service Price and Calculation Setup section. These reusable variations, known as Global Price Variables (GPVs), streamline the pricing setup process. When adding a new GPV, you need to fill out the following input fields:
- Variable Name: A textbox to enter the name of the variable.
- Description: A textbox to provide a brief description of the variable.
- Label: A textbox where you can add multiple labels. These labels are used to set the corresponding pricing while configuring service calculations.
2. Service Tags: Service tags are created here to be used when creating services. Tags linked with services aid in quick search and filtering when selecting services while generating proposals. This section contains a single input field:
- Tag Name: A textbox to enter the name of the tag.
3. Value Added Tax (VAT): In this section, you can add multiple taxes that can be linked with services. It includes the following fields:
- Make Default: A checkbox to make this VAT option the default tax when creating services.
- Tax Name: A textbox to enter the name of the tax.
- Rate: A field to specify the tax rate.
4. Discounts: Here, you can add multiple discounts that can be linked with services. This section includes the following fields:
- Discount Name: A textbox to enter the name of the discount.
- Amount/Rate: A field to specify the discount amount or rate.
5. Charge Out Rates (Out of Scope Work): This section is used to define charge-out rates for out-of-scope work. It includes the following fields:
- Employee Position: A textbox to enter the employee’s position.
- Standard Hourly Rate: A field to specify the standard hourly rate for the position.
- Premium Hourly Rate: A field to specify the premium hourly rate for the position.
All the added charge-out rates are presented in table format in the Letter of Engagement.
By configuring these general settings, you ensure that all relevant components of the software are aligned and consistent, enhancing the overall functionality and user experience of Figsflow.
- Navigate to the General Setting Tab
- Go to the desired Setup section and click on the corresponding add button.
- Enter the required details and click on the Save button