URL: Generate Proposal

1. Preview Calculation
• View the service cost calculation based on the values provided to the service parameters on the same page.
• Set the payment period according to client needs (monthly, quarterly, annually).
• Edit the service price and provide a general discount (in %), which will be equally applied to all services if needed.
2. Preview Proposal and LOE
• After configuring all the details, click on the preview button to preview the proposal and LOE PDFs.
• After the proposal and LOE are generated, the user can view them. This section allows users to review the proposal and LOE. If multiple entities were selected, a single comprehensive proposal containing fees and descriptions of all entities will be generated, and LOE for each entity will be generated.
• Users can also edit the proposal and LOE if necessary to meet specific client terms requirements. They can also change the default template applied to the proposal and LOEs.
• Then, the user can select the option to send LOE only or both the proposal and LOE.
3. Save as a Draft or Send Live
• Save as Draft: Save the proposal and LOE as a draft. This option retains all input provided during the generation process but does not send the documents to the client. The draft can be reviewed and edited later.
• Send Live: Finalise and send the documents to the client. This option signifies that the documents are ready for client review and signature. Once sent live, the proposal status is updated to indicate it is awaiting the client’s signature.
The Sub-service Service feature allows users to include sub-services linked to a primary service during the proposal generation process. If a service has one or more associated sub-services, these will be presented as selectable options on the proposal page. When a sub-service is selected, its corresponding fee is automatically included in the overall service calculation. This ensures that both the Proposal and LOE accurately reflect the main service’s combined cost and sub-services, providing clients with a clear and detailed breakdown of all included services. This feature streamlines the proposal creation process, especially when offering bundled or related services, ensuring that users can efficiently generate comprehensive and accurate documents for their clients.
Following these steps, users can efficiently generate tailored proposals and LOEs, including all relevant details and calculations.